Hugh Jackman will return as Wolverine in “Deadpool 3,” Ryan Reynolds announced on his social media Tuesday afternoon. “Deadpool 3” also has an official release date: September 6, 2024.
Hi everyone, we’re so sad to have missed D23, but we’ve been working very hard on the next ‘Deadpool’ movie for a long time,” Reynolds says in the video, referencing the D23 Expo in early September. . “I have really had to search my soul on this case. His first appearance in the MCU obviously needs to feel special. We need to stay true to the character, find a new depth, motivation, meaning. Every ‘Deadpool’ needs to stand out and stand out. It has been an incredible challenge that has forced me to reach deep inside. And I… I have nothing. Yeah, he just completely empties here. And terrifying. But we had an idea.”
A little about the interview about Wolverine in Deadpool 3
“Hey Hugh, do you want to play Wolverine one more time?” Reynolds asks as Jackman moves to the background.

“Hey Hugh, do you want to play Wolverine one more time?” Reynolds asks as Jackman moves to the background.
Hard keeping my mouth sewn shut about this one. ⚔️
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) September 27, 2022
Shawn Levy, quien hizo “Free Guy” y “The Adam Project” con Reynolds, dirige “Deadpool 3”, que se unirá oficialmente al Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel después de la compra de 20th Century Fox por parte de Disney. Rhett Reese y Paul Wernick, que escribieron las dos primeras películas de “Deadpool”, volvieron a escribir la tercera. Reese ha confirmado previamente que “Deadpool 3” seguirá siendo de clasificación R, incluso dentro de la MCU familiar. La última vez que los fanáticos de X-Men vieron a Jackman como Wolverine fue en “Logan”, con clasificación R de 2016, dirigida por James Mangold. Wolverine murió al final de la película, y Jackman ha declarado repetidamente que la película fue su canto del cisne en el papel. Por lo tanto, no está claro cómo aparecerá en “Deadpool 3”. Pero el personaje es mejor conocido por romper repetidamente la cuarta pared, en películas y cómics, y como dijo recientemente a Variety el presidente de Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, “Todo es posible en el multiverso”. Reynolds y Jackman tienen una larga historia de superhéroes juntos. La estrella de “Deadpool” apareció por primera vez como el personaje en “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” de 2009, que fue el primer spin-off de “X-Men” que se centró en el personaje de Jackman. Esa versión de Deadpool, sin embargo, tenía la boca cosida y no presentaba su icónico disfraz rojo y negro. Varios años después, Reynolds consiguió otra oportunidad como el asesino bromista en una película adecuada de “Deadpool” con clasificación R.
Shawn Levy, who did “Free Guy” and “The Adam Project” with Reynolds, is directing “Deadpool 3,” which will officially join the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Disney’s purchase of 20th Century Fox. Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, who wrote the first two “Deadpool” movies, returned to write the third. Reese has previously confirmed that “Deadpool 3” will remain R-rated, even within the familiar MCU.
The last time X-Men fans saw Jackman as Wolverine was in 2016’s R-rated “Logan,” directed by James Mangold. Wolverine died at the end of the film, and Jackman has repeatedly stated that the film was the swan song of him in the role. Therefore, it is not clear how he will appear in “Deadpool 3”. But the character is best known for repeatedly breaking the fourth wall, in movies and comics, and as Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige recently told Variety, “Anything is possible in the multiverse.”
Reynolds and Jackman have a long superhero history together. The “Deadpool” star first appeared as the character in 2009’s “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” which was the first “X-Men” spin-off to focus on Jackman’s character. That version of Deadpool, however, had his mouth sewn shut and did not feature his iconic red and black costume. Several years later, Reynolds got another shot as the wisecracking killer in a proper R-rated “Deadpool” movie.
Wolverine en Deadpool 3
The “Deadpool” films are the highest-grossing “X-Men” titles of all time, each grossing more than $780 million worldwide. The first two films, which were released in 2016 and 2018 respectively, were released by 20th Century Fox before Disney acquired the studio. Wolverine in Deadpool 3
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